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Monday, 17 December 2018

How are anaerobic bacterial enzymes useful in septic tank cleaning?

What you call sewer is home to bacteria that eat the waste produced at home. These bacteria are friendly to human as they thrive on waste that could become toxic in the long run. But the bacteria consume the waste so that there remains very little waste to remove. But not using anaerobic bacterial enzymes kill the friendly bacteria in septic tanks and sewer lines.

Every time you clean your septic tank with a regular cleaning agent that has harsh chemicals in it, you kill the bacteria living in the septic tank. The cleaner burns the waste so that waste removal becomes a hassle free job. But at the same time it kills the bacteria but it isn’t a good sign. Also, a chemical rich cleaning agent turns the waste into a toxic material that is harmful for plants, animals, human and environment.

Anaerobic bacterial enzymes support the friendly bacteria. The enzymes allow bacteria to thrive. They create suitable environment for the friendly bacteria. The bacteria are of a big help to you and your sewer tank. You should let them thrive in the tank so that you get half the cleaning job done by the bacteria. And when it comes to cleaning the tank, you should use a safe cleaning agent.

It is difficult to see colonies of bacteria in a sewer tank but you can see the bacteria working. The accumulated waste will appear softer and lesser over time, if the bacteria are there and working. But without bacteria, it would turn toxic even within a day.         

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